Prince Harry

Trump stands resolute that he’ll win election and decide about NATO


Donald Trump told GB News host Nigel Farage about his plan to handle NATO if member states pay their fair share, as the ex-president apparently remained typically bullish about his chances of retaking the White House during the pair’s upcoming interview.

Earlier, it emerged that Trump told Farage (Pictured) that Prince Harry would experience no special treatment if he was found to have lied on a US visa form regarding his apparent drug use that included magic mushrooms and [expletive]. Farage posted a new video on X previewing the 30 minute long interview which was conducted inside of Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago in Florida this week. Farage declared in a promotional clip that Trump believes he will win in November.

Earlier, it emerged that Trump told Farage (Pictured) that Prince Harry would experience no special treatment if he was found to have lied on a US visa form regarding his apparent drug use that included magic mushrooms and [expletive]. Farage posted a new video on X previewing the 30 minute long interview which was conducted inside of Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago in Florida this week. Farage declared in a promotional clip that Trump believes he will win in November.

It comes just days after it emerged that the man who facilitated the pair's relationship, all the way back in 2016, John Bartley Boykin, died suddenly in Washington DC at the age of just 32. Farage said that Trump will also address his 'bloodbath' comments which he made at a rally in Ohio over the weekend, which the former UKIP leader says were taken 'out of context.'

It comes just days after it emerged that the man who facilitated the pair’s relationship, all the way back in 2016, John Bartley Boykin, died suddenly in Washington DC at the age of just 32. Farage said that Trump will also address his ‘bloodbath’ comments which he made at a rally in Ohio over the weekend, which the former UKIP leader says were taken ‘out of context.’

The sit down seems cordial, according to the clips that have been released so far with the pair embracing and Trump joking at one point that he has 'get back to work.'

The sit down seems cordial, according to the clips that have been released so far with the pair embracing and Trump joking at one point that he has ‘get back to work.’

In a separate interview promoting the sit down, Farage told GBNews that Trump was 'excited' to hear about about the network was doing. He went on to say that Trump has promised GBNews exclusive access to the White House under his presidency.

In a separate interview promoting the sit down, Farage told GBNews that Trump was ‘excited’ to hear about about the network was doing. He went on to say that Trump has promised GBNews exclusive access to the White House under his presidency.

Earlier this week, reported that Farage was in line for an economic envoy role should Trump defeat Biden in the election while noting that he was also enthusiastic about becoming the UK ambassador to the US. Farage and Trump became closely allied shortly after the latter was officially crowned as the Republican nominee at the 2016 convention.

Earlier this week, reported that Farage was in line for an economic envoy role should Trump defeat Biden in the election while noting that he was also enthusiastic about becoming the UK ambassador to the US. Farage and Trump became closely allied shortly after the latter was officially crowned as the Republican nominee at the 2016 convention.

This week, Trump was roundly criticized for his incendiary remarks during a rally in Ohio. 'If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole ¿ that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country,' he warned, while talking about the impact of offshoring on the country's auto industry and his plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars.

This week, Trump was roundly criticized for his incendiary remarks during a rally in Ohio. ‘If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,’ he warned, while talking about the impact of offshoring on the country’s auto industry and his plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars.

Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer accused Trump of doubling ‘down on his threats of political violence.’ ‘He wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge,’ Singer charged in a statement.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said that Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of a second Biden term on the auto industry and broader economy. 'Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively, out-of-context editing,' he said. Trump repeatedly noted his difficulty reading from his teleprompters, which could be seen visibly whipping in 35-mile-per-hour wind gusts.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said that Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of a second Biden term on the auto industry and broader economy. ‘Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively, out-of-context editing,’ he said. Trump repeatedly noted his difficulty reading from his teleprompters, which could be seen visibly whipping in 35-mile-per-hour wind gusts.

Over the last few months, Trump has also been widely criticized for saying that he would encourage Russia to invade NATO allies who he did not feel were paying their fair share. Speaking at a campaign rally in South Carolina, he retold the story of his alleged conversation with the head of a NATO member country that had not met its obligations. This time, though, he left out the line that drew the most outrage ¿ encouraging Russia 'to do whatever the hell they want.'

Over the last few months, Trump has also been widely criticized for saying that he would encourage Russia to invade NATO allies who he did not feel were paying their fair share. Speaking at a campaign rally in South Carolina, he retold the story of his alleged conversation with the head of a NATO member country that had not met its obligations. This time, though, he left out the line that drew the most outrage — encouraging Russia ‘to do whatever the hell they want.’

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