CRAIG BROWN: Meghan Markle’s handy guide to all your household needs – (Part Two) How to peel a potato

Hi! It’s so beautiful that you’re here connecting with me, ready to nurture new memories to stay with you for ever. Welcome to my pantry!’
That’s what I always say to any potato, young or old, that arrives at my home just dying to be cherished, peeled and boiled.
You know what? The most soulful potatoes are those you dig up for yourself, fresh from the ground.
So, after I’ve purchased my counter-fresh potato from my local organic wholefood store, I hostess it by burying it in a sacred spot in my garden, where everything – even the lawn! – is natural.
As a woman, I call it the potato experience.
Step One: Locate the exact spot in your own garden where your hole has already been prepped for you by one of your super-special assistants. I call them my super-special assistants because my mission in life is to elevate the ordinary.
Step Two: Remove your new potato from its compostable paper bag and cradle it in the palm of your hand.
Step Three: Lower it gently into the hole in the ground until it’s so, so snug!

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex in With Love, Meghan

Meghan Markle’s eight episode show was released on Tuesday
Step Four: With your cutest designer shovel – mine has the most adorable little penguins on it! –gently spread the cute little pile of soil over your potato.
Step Five: Repeat the process, but in reverse.
Congratulations – you have now raised your very own potato! Welcome to MPC –Meghan’s Potato Club!
You know what I love about the potato? It has so many different stories to tell.
Deep down, potatoes know that we are all, each and every one of us, very unique.
Make friends with your potato.
And then pass it to one of your truly wonderful crew, who will transport it straight to the kitchen in a buggy. It’s beautiful to be this connected.
Here’s a tip! The best place in the home to prepare food is the kitchen. Not the living room. Not the restroom. Not the vestibule. But the kitchen. Our family kitchen lies at the very heart of our home. It’s where all our food is prepared.

File photo: Mrs Potato Head
That’s why we came up with the great idea of equipping it with sinks, faucets, stoves, fridges, drawers and a pantry – in fact everything you’ll ever need to create a beautiful meal for all your latest friends!
And so to the peeling!
It’s kinda funny, I suppose, but some potatoes have a very special way of looking at you.
My absolute favourites have that irresistible little look in their eyes that seems to beg, ‘Hey, guys! I’m just waiting to be peeled!’
So how could you ever refuse them?!
Nothing fills me with so much wonder as a potato that longs to be peeled! The best method is to ask your first assistant to take your favourite peeler from your peeler drawer. You know what? It’s so much easier to peel a potato with a peeler than with your own bare hands.
You know how I always know which the peeler drawer is?
Right first time! It’s the one labelled ‘Meg’s Perfect Peelers?’.
So, once your first assistant has (finally!) succeeded in locating the correct peeler, ask she/her to give it to your second assistant, who will proceed to peel the potato. I favour a series of graceful, loving strokes that let the potato know it’s truly cherished. It should only take them a few minutes – precious, sacred time which should enable you to slip into something simple yet stylish, so you can greet your house-guests looking at ease with yourself.
Here’s a question so many of my friends and followers ask me.
‘How exactly will I know when my potato is peeled?’
Hmmm. Tricky one!
Let’s ask the expert! My new best friend, top five-star Michelin chef Huji Ma Flipp says he always knows when a potato is peeled – it’s that truly magical great-vibe moment when all its skin has come off.
Yes, I’m always thinking of the potato experience. And what I’ve learnt about potatoes is the same as I’ve learnt about humans.
We’re all beautiful on the inside.
As Ever, Meghan
Meghan Markle as told to Craig Brown