Prince Harry

Meghan Markle’s ‘$1m a post Instagram payday’: Duchess of Sussex ‘is preparing to re-launch herself on social media’ and experts say she could earn millions – with ‘everyone in Hollywood talking about it’

Meghan is reportedly getting ready to ‘re-launch’ herself on Instagram and experts predict she could make a million dollars per post.

The duchess, whose last account with husband Prince Harry, @sussexroyal, had 9.4 million followers before it was deactivated in 2020 when the couple quit being senior Royals, is said to be behind a new account named @meghan.

Decorated with a picture of pink peonies, reportedly Meghan’s favourite flowers, a source close to her team this week confirmed: ‘Yes, that’s her. Expect an announcement very soon. She’s coming back.’

The account is already followed by several of Meghan’s friends including activist Mandana Dayani, who served as president of Archewell, the Sussexes’ media and philanthropic company, until last December.

A source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Everyone in Hollywood is talking about the re-launch being imminent. Meghan has never made any secret of the fact she wants to return to Instagram.’

Meghan Markle is believed to be behind a new Instagram page simply called @meghan

Meghan Markle is believed to be behind a new Instagram page simply called @meghan

The Instagram account that is said to belong to Meghan Markle and will be the stage for her social media comeback

An old Instagram post from Meghan, from a holiday in New Zealand. Sources close to the duchess have said the new account is her's, adding: 'Expect an announcement very soon'

An old Instagram post from Meghan, from a holiday in New Zealand. Sources close to the duchess have said the new account is her’s, adding: ‘Expect an announcement very soon’

An old Instagram post from Meghan Markle's former account with friend and actress Janina Gavankar. Experts believe Meghan could commission $1million per post

An old Instagram post from Meghan Markle’s former account with friend and actress Janina Gavankar. Experts believe Meghan could commission $1million per post

Harry and Meghan had 9.4 million followers on their Instagram account, @sussexroyal, before they deactivated it after stepping down from Royal duties

Harry and Meghan had 9.4 million followers on their Instagram account, @sussexroyal, before they deactivated it after stepping down from Royal duties

Prior to her 2018 marriage to Prince Harry, Suits actress Meghan’s personal Instagram following stood at more than three million, while tens of thousands of fans signed up for her now-defunct lifestyle blog The Tig.

Meghan first announced she was planning a return to Instagram in an interview with The Cut last year, telling writer Allison P Davis: ‘Do you want to know a secret? I’m getting back on Instagram.’

The duchess’s ‘new’ account already has 76,000 followers and experts say it could prove a huge boost to her finances.

Eric Schiffer, a social media expert who advises the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars, ex-Disney actress Bella Thorne and cast members from the US version of Dragons’ Den, said: ‘I don’t think Meghan coming back to Instagram will surprise anyone.

‘She has a new talent manager and this is the next logical step.

‘I would expect her to quickly become one of the most followed accounts on Instagram. You have celebrities like the Kardashians who can command $1million (£790,000) and up for a single post promoting a product.

‘There is no reason Meghan couldn’t be earning those sorts of fees.

‘She has to be careful, as a duchess, to avoid being seen to be hawking every product under the sun. She will align with quality brands and companies that are on point with her political and social beliefs.’

Meghan previously ran lifestyle blog The Tig – but closed it down in 2017

Social media marketing experts believe Meghan could quickly become one of the top-paid influencers in the world with the new account

Social media marketing experts believe Meghan could quickly become one of the top-paid influencers in the world with the new account

Marketing expert Kent Moore, who runs OneEyedSocial and has worked with actors such as Star Trek’s Sir Patrick Stewart, said: ‘I think she would instantly shoot into the top ten highest-paid influencers in the world.

‘Her status is unique because she is a celebrity, actress and royalty.

‘Meghan could charge a million dollars per post as an absolute minimum.

‘That sum would rise quickly if her partnerships achieve global coverage and traction.

‘Brands could want to align with her for campaigns over a couple of years, featuring several posts and even personal appearances.

‘Those type of deals could come in well over the $12million (£9.5million) mark and even as much as $20million (£15.9million).’

According to a report in The New York Post earlier this month Meghan first set up the handle @meghan when she launched her Spotify podcast.

A source told Page Six: ‘Meghan was set to go live on Insta but changed her mind shortly before she launched her Archetypes podcast so it’s just sitting there now.’

Meghan has repeatedly shown her power as an influencer with outfits and bags she has worn selling out.

NuCalm, which sells an anti-stress patch, has seen a spike in sales since the duchess was photographed wearing a patch on her wrist as she ran errands near her home in Montecito, California.

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