Prince Harry

Footballer’s shock as Prince Harry’s face bares uncanny resemblance to his injury in five-a-side game

  •  Adam Price was playing a friendly game when he got injured going for the goal
  • The bruise had marks that resembled Prince Harry’s hair, nose, eyes and mouth
  • Have you seen a celebrity face in an unusual place or had an odd-shaped bruise? If the answer is yes, send an email to [email protected]

A shocked man injured in a five-a-side football match noticed the bruise was shaped exactly like Prince Harry’s face.

Adam Price was playing a friendly game in Birmingham when he went for a 50/50 ball with the goalkeeper and got a knock instead of scoring a goal.

The 37-year-old looked down to assess the damage to his leg and was surprised to see a familiar face, Prince Harry’s.

The blue and purple bruise appeared to be the spitting image of the Duke of Sussex.

The injury was shaped like Prince Harry’s face with his beard at the bottom and hair at the top, and faded marks resembling his eyes and mouth in the middle.

The Prince Harry injury

Prince Harry

Adam Price was playing a football match when he got an injury that looked just like Prince Harry’s face, much to his surprise

The friendly football game ended with Adam Price getting a bruise that resembled a familiar face

The friendly football game ended with Adam Price getting a bruise that resembled a familiar face

Adam Price got a surprising injury that looked just like Prince Harry

Adam Price got a surprising injury that looked just like Prince Harry

This isn’t the first famous face to be spotted in an a strange place. A woman once found a Walker’s ready salted crisp that looked just like ex-footballer and broadcaster, Gary Lineker.

The potato chip, in the same shape as a silhouette of Lineker, was found in a packet of crisps by 23-year-old Beth Brenner.

A Walkers spokesman said: ‘We have had all sorts of shapes of crisps over the years but one shaped like our brand ambassador, Gary Lineker is very special indeed, particularly since it was found in his home town of Leicester.’ 

Beth said she found it when tucking into the packet of plain crisps one lunchtime and a friend pointed out the likeness.

Ms Brenner, who was working at a telephone answering company at the time, said: ‘I didn’t know what to do with it – you can’t eat Gary Lineker can you? He’s a legend.’

Beth Brenner found a Walkers crisp shaped like the company's brand ambassador: former footballer and now presenter Gary Lineker

Beth Brenner found a Walkers crisp shaped like the company’s brand ambassador: former footballer and now presenter Gary Lineker

The potato chip bore an uncanny resemblance to the shape of Gary Lineker's silhouette

The potato chip bore an uncanny resemblance to the shape of Gary Lineker’s silhouette

Chris Holland got an angel-shaped bruise on his lower back after injuring himself on his stag do

Chris Holland got an angel-shaped bruise on his lower back after injuring himself on his stag do

Nor is Adam Price’s injury the first bruise to have a surprising shape. A groom fell through a table on his stag do and the resulting bruise was shaped like an angel.

Chris Holland was dancing in a nightclub in Sopot, Poland, when he hurt himself and woke up with the angel-shaped mark across his lower back.

He took it as a good omen before the wedding day and counted himself lucky the fall didn’t cause a serious spinal injury.

Holland said at the time: ‘My fiancée was livid when I got home and showed her – but she’s glad I’m okay. It was an amazing weekend but now the adrenaline has worn off the bruise is starting to smart a bit.’

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